
Review Articles

Szende B, Rásó E, Hidvégi M, Tömösközi-Farkas R, Paku S, Prónai L, Bocsi J, Lapis K (1998): Egy új, szubszituált benzokinon tartalmú antimetasztatikus készítmény. Orv Hetil. 139(48):2893-7.

Nichelatti M, Hidvégi M (2002): Experimental and clinical results with Avemar (a dried extract from fermented weath germ) in animal cancer models and in cancer patients. Nőgyógyászati Onkológia. 7:40-1.

Demidov LV, Manziuk LV, Kharkevitch GY, Artamonova EV, Pirogova NA (2002): Antimetastatic effect of Avemar in high-risk melanoma patients. 18th UICC International Cancer Congress.
Sukkar SG, Rossi E (2004): Oxidative stress and nutritional prevention in autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Autoimmunity Reviews. 3(2004):199–206.
Farkas E (2005): Szupportív kezelés fermentált búzacsíra-kivonattal colorectalis carcinomában. Orv Hetil. 146(37):1925-31.
Boros LG, Nichelatti M, Shoenfeld Y, Shoenfeld Y (2005): Fermented wheat germ extract (Avemar) in the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1051:529-42.
Farkas E (2006): Fermentált búzacsíra kivonat (Avemar) alkalmazásának lehetőségei a családorvosi gyakorlatba. Medicus Universalis. 39(1):19-31. Available at:
Pfeifer B (2006): Avemar. In: Pfeifer B, Preiß J, Unger C, eds. Onkologie integrativ. Elsevier, Urban and Fischer, Munchen, p. 226-9.
Heimbach JT, Sebestyén G, Semjén G, Kennepohl E (2007): Safety studies regarding a standardized extract of fermented wheat germ. Int J Toxicol. 26:253-9.
Johanning GL, Wang-Johanning F (2007): Efficacy of a medical nutriment in the treatment of cancer. Altern Ther Health Med. 13(2):56-65.
Brambilla D, Mancuso C, Scuderi MR, Bosco P, Cantarella G, Lempereur L, Benedetto GD, Pezzino S, Bernardini R (2008): The role of antioxidant supplement in immune system, neoplastic, and neurodegenerative disorders: a point of view for an assessment of the risk/benefit profile. Nutr J. 7:29 (9 pages).
Telekes A, Hegedűs M, Chae C-H, Vékey K (2009): Avemar (Wheat germ extract) in Cancer Prevention and Treatment. Nutr Cancer. 61(6):891-9.
Mueller T, Voigt W (2011): Fermented wheat germ extract – nutritional supplement or anticancer drug? Nutr J. 10:89. (6 pages).
Uğur Y (2014): The Cytotoxic Effects of Wheat Germ Extract on Glioblastoma Cell Line. Other thesis, TED ANKARA KOLEJİ. Available at:
Bar-Sela G, Cohen M, Ben-Arye E, Epelbaum R (2015): The medical use of wheatgrass: Review of the gap between basic and clinical applications. Mini Rev Med Chem. 15:1002-10.
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